Zoom Etiquette
There are some basic etiquette habits that will make your time in a Zoom class more comfortable for everyone:
- Consider turning on your camera so the professor or other presenter has a sense of their audience. Remember, you are not watching a TV, and your professor will be looking to see if you look interested and engaged. If you are uncomfortable using your camera, consider using things like "Reactions" in your classes so your instructor knows you are paying attention.
- Keep yourself muted unless you are talking on your mic.
- Be aware of what is behind you. If you choose not to use a Zoom background, try to position your camera so your background is not distracting to others.
- If you do use a Zoom background, make sure it's not too bright or otherwise distracting to other people.
- If you must eat, do so off camera.
- Remember, you are in class (at a meeting, etc.). This Zoom call is happening for a reason, so please do not multitask.
Want to hear more tips from a student peer? Check out this article on Zoom etiquette from student Matthew Ferguson.