Dr. Kim Cluff
PhD, University of Nebraska
Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering Department
Email: Kim.cluff@wichita.edu
Office: (316) 978-5905
Research Areas:
Biomedical sensors, RF resonators, Bioinstrumentation, Biomedical imaging, Hyperspectral
Imaging, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, design of Biomedical devices, computational
medicine to develop quantitative approaches for diagnosis and treatment monitoring
through application of mathematics, computational science, and instrumentation design.
Vascular disease research, quantification of muscle damage in patients with peripheral
arterial disease.
Teaching Awards:
1. May 2017, Excellence in teaching award: Congratulations to Dr. Cluff for receiving
the 黑洞社区 Excellence in Teaching Award (May, 2017).
2. May 2016: Dr. Cluff received an award for Excellence in Teaching. The College of Engineering
Dwane and Velma Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award.
1. Young Faculty Scholar Award:
1. May 2018, Young Faculty Scholar Award: Congratulations Dr. Cluff receives the Wichita
State University Young Faculty Scholars Award.
2. Excellence in Research Award
2. May, 2017, Excellence in Research award: Congratulations to Dr. Cluff for receiving
the College of Engineering Dwane and Velma Wallace Excellence in Research Award (May,
3. Research Innovation Award:
3. Dec 2015: Dr. Cluff received the John A. See Research Innovation Award. Presented
at Commencement
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biological Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Ph.D. Minor in Computer Science & Engineering,
Ph.D. Minor in Statistics,
Emphasis: Biomedical Engineering
Dissertation: Peripheral arterial disease classification by morphometric, biochemical, and Raman
spectral analysis of muscle biopsies provides objective criteria for diagnosis and
treatment monitoring. (2009 鈥 2012)
Master of Science (M.S.) in Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Thesis: Quantifying optical scattering with hyperspectral imaging to predict beef
tenderness. (2007 鈥 2009)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Emphasis: Biomedical
Engineering; Senior Design Project: Minimally invasive mitral valve repair surgical
instrument. (2006 鈥 2007)
Bioengineering, at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (2002 鈥 2006)
Certificate in Small Animal Surgery: Surgical training at Northeast Ohio Medical Center (2014)
Certified Aerospace Machinist: Metro Tech Vocational School, Phoenix, AZ. (1994 鈥 1995)
Employment History:
Associate Professor, 黑洞社区, Wichita, KS. Aug. 2018 - Present,
Biomedical Engineering Department, Research in cardiovascular engineering, diagnostics,
wearable sensors, and spectral imaging. Established Biosensors, Imaging, and Modeling
Engineering (BioME) Lab. Developed new graduate level courses (BioImaging and Bio-Computational
Modeling). Teach undergraduate level courses in Fall and Spring (Biofluid Mechanics
and Bioinstrumentation). Developed new experience based learning labs.
Total research funding: $1,372,564
Assistant Professor, 黑洞社区, Wichita, KS. Jan. 2013 - Aug. 2018
Engineering Consultant, Goldfinch Solutions LLC, Lincoln, NE. Aug. 2012 鈥 Dec. 2012
Lecturer, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. Jan. 2012 鈥 May 2012
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. May 2007 鈥 May 2012
Independent Contractor Machinist, Precision Concepts, Mesa, AZ. May 2005 鈥 July 2006
o Custom tool & cutter grinder
Machinist, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 2003
Supervisor/Cell Leader/Machinist, Smith West Inc., Tempe, AZ. Dec. 1994 鈥 Oct. 2000
o CNC machining/programing, Heat treat, tool and cutter grinder, EDM machining, assembly,
and deburr
Academic Honors and Awards :
1. 黑洞社区 Young Faculty Scholar Award (May, 2018)
2. Dwane and Velma Wallace Excellence in Research Award (May, 2017)
3. 黑洞社区 Excellence in Teaching Award (May, 2017)
4. Dwane and Velma Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award (May, 2016)
5. John A. See Innovation in Research Award (Dec. 2014)
6. Teaching Assistant Holling Family Award For Teaching Excellence (May, 2012)
7. Nebraska Engineering Senior Fellow (2009-2012).
8. Preparing Future Faculty Fellow (2012)
Research Funding:
Total Research Funding: $1,372,564
Funded Grants:
[1] PI - $1,125,000. Novel Smart Skin Biomedical Sensor for Monitoring Crew Health Parameters
in a Wireless, Passive, Lightweight, Robust, and Non-invasive Fashion. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA). 9/2016 - 9/2019. Role: (Science Principal-Investigator
(Sc-PI)) - Conceived idea, wrote grant, and leading this research
[2] PI - $183,744. Bone Health Sensor for Monitoring Early Onset of Osteoporosis Due to Spaceflight.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 10/2015 - 10/2016. Role: (Principal
Investigator) - Conceived idea, wrote grant, lead research
[3] Co-PI - $25,000. Disposable Heart Screening Patch. John A. See Innovation Award. 1/2015 鈥 12/2015. Role: (Co-Principal Investigator) - Major contributor in idea and grant
[4] PI - $7,500. Optimization of Nanoparticle-embedded Scaffolds to Improve Neural Cell Remyelination
through Raman Micro-spectroscopy. Multidisciplinary research project award (MURPA) 鈥 黑洞社区. 1/2015 鈥 6/2015. Role: (Principal Investigator) - Conceived
idea, wrote grant, conducted this research
[5] PI - $4,500. Scanning Electron Microscopy of Myofiber Ultrastructure to Quantitatively
Analyze Damage to Ischemic Muscle. University Research/Creative Projects (URCA) 鈥 黑洞社区. 7/2013 鈥 6/2014. Role: (Principal Investigator) - Conceived
idea, wrote grant, and conducted this research
Other Funded Grants/Projects for Undergraduate Research ($26,820):
[6] $1,500. Advancement in Osteoporosis detection. Regional Institute on Aging - Undergraduate
Research in Aging. 4/2016 - 3/2017. Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor
to Jessica Aldrich)
[7] $3,620. Innovating Biosensors: Reading Biomagnetic Properties to Measure Blood
Volume. 黑洞社区 College of Engineering. 5/2015-5/2016. Role: (Principal Investigator and
Faculty Sponsor to Jerad Rogers)
[8] $5,200. Identify important intracellular to extracellular chemical variations
which may inhibit cell function in muscle cell pathology. NIH K-INBRE. 9/2015 - 5/2016.
Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor to Ryan Becker)
[9] $3,620. Spectral analysis of Ischemic muscle model of PAD. 黑洞社区 College of Engineering.
5/2015-5/2016. Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor to Jessica Aldrich)
[10] $5,200. Analysis of muscle cell pathology with spectral biomarkers. NIH K-INBRE.
5/2014 鈥 5/2015
Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor to Hootan Mehraein)
[11] $3,840. Muscle damage analysis post myocardial infarction. 黑洞社区 College of Engineering.
5/2014-5/2015. Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor to Kaitlyn Howard)
[12] $3,840. Muscle Damage in Hindlimb Ischemia Murine Model. 黑洞社区 College of Engineering.
5/2014 - 5/2015. Role: (Principal Investigator and Faculty Sponsor to Lindsey Carson)
Peer Reviewed Publications:
1. Alruwaili F, Cluff K, Griffith J, Farhoud H. (2018). Passive Self Resonant Skin Patch Sensor to Monitor
Cardiac Intraventricular Stroke Volume Using Electromagnetic Properties of Blood.
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 6(1), 1-9. PubMed PMID: 30416893; PMCID: PMC6214405.

2. Griffith J, Cluff K, Eckerman B, Aldrich J, Becker R, Moore-Jansen P, Patterson J. (2018). Non-Invasive
Electromagnetic Skin Patch Sensor to Measure Intracranial Fluid鈥揤olume Shifts. Sensors, 18(4), 1022. PubMed PMID: doi:10.3390/s18041022.

3. Cluff K, Becker R, Jayakumar B, Han K, Condon E, Dudley K, Szatkowski G, Pipinos, II, Amick
RZ, Patterson J. (2018). Passive Wearable Skin Patch Sensor Measures Limb Hemodynamics
Based on Electromagnetic Resonance. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65(4), 847-56. PubMed PMID: 28692957.

4. Taklimi S, Ghazinezami A, Cluff K, Askari D. (2018). Effects of Reflux Temperature and Molarity of Acidic Solution
on Chemical Functionalization of Helical Carbon Nanotubes. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 11(1).
5. Saeednia L, Yao L, Berndt M, Cluff K, Asmatulu R. (2017). Structural and biological properties of thermosensitive chitosan鈥揼raphene
hybrid hydrogels for sustained drug delivery applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 105(9), 2381-90.
6. Becker RA, Cluff K, Duraisamy N, Mehraein H, Farhoud H, Collins T, Casale GP, Pipinos II, Subbiah J.
(2017). Optical probing of gastrocnemius in patients with peripheral artery disease
characterizes myopathic biochemical alterations and correlates with stage of disease. Physiological reports, 5(5), e13161.
7. Becker RA, Cluff K, Duraisamy N, Casale GP, Pipinos, II. (2017). Analysis of ischemic muscle in patients
with peripheral artery disease using X-ray spectroscopy. Journal of Surgical Research, 220, 79-87. PubMed PMID: 29180215; PMCID: PMC5708859.
8. Alruwaili FH, Griffith J, Cluff K, Patterson J. (2017). Non-invasive Point-of-Care Method for Measuring Left-Ventricular
Stroke-Volume using a Passive Electromagnetic Skin Patch Sensor. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 11(69), 1068.
9. Rogers J, Jayakumar B, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Electromagnetic Properties of Blood-flow for Screening of Peripheral Artery
Disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 36(1), A516-A.
10. Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Samal A, Calkins CR, Jones DD, Meyer GE, Subbiah J. (2016). Three dimensional chemometric
analyses of hyperspectral images for beef tenderness forecasting. Journal of Food Engineering, 169, 309-20.
11. Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Samal A, Calkins C, Jones D, Wehling R, Subbiah J. (2016). Identification and validation
of key wavelengths for on-line beef tenderness forecasting. Transactions of the ASABE, 59(3), 769-83.
12. Cluff K, Konda Naganathan G, Jonnalagada D, Mortensen I, Wehling R, Subbiah J. (2016). Determination
of yolk contamination in liquid egg white using Raman spectroscopy. Poultry Science, 95(7), 1702-8.
13. Koutakis P, Myers SA, Cluff K, Ha DM, Haynatzki G, McComb RD, Uchida K, Miserlis D, Papoutsi E, Johanning JM, Casale
GP, Pipinos II. (2015). Abnormal myofiber morphology and limb dysfunction in claudication. Journal of Surgical Research, 196(1), 172-9. PubMed PMID: 25791828; PMCID: PMC4512658
14. Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Samal A, Calkins CR, Jones DD, Lorenzen CL, Subbiah J. (2015). Hyperspectral imaging
of ribeye muscle on hanging beef carcasses for tenderness assessment. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 116, 55-64.
15. Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Samal A, Calkins CR, Jones DD, Lorenzen CL, Subbiah J. (2015). A prototype on-line
AOTF hyperspectral image acquisition system for tenderness assessment of beef carcasses. Journal of Food Engineering, 154(0), 1-9.
16. Cluff K, Mehraein H, Howard K, Koutakis P, Casale GP, Pipinos II, Subbiah J. (2015). Biomarkers
of Muscle Damage in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 35(1), A282-A.
17. Cluff K, Kelly AM, Koutakis P, He XN, Huang X, Lu YF, Pipinos II, Casale GP, Subbiah J. (2014).
Surface鈥恊nhanced Raman spectral biomarkers correlate with Ankle Brachial Index and
characterize leg muscle biochemical composition of patients with peripheral arterial
disease. Physiological reports, 2(9), e12148; PMCID: PMC4270241
18. Koutakis P, Pipinos II, Cluff K, Thompson JR, Ha D, Papoutsi E, Swanson SA, Zhu Z, Kim K-S, Myers S. (2013). Abnormal
Morphology of Skeletal Muscle Myofibers Is Associated With Limb Dysfunction in Peripheral
Arterial Disease Patients. Circulation, 128(22), A17825.
19. Cluff K, Miserlis D, Naganathan GK, Pipinos II, Koutakis P, Samal A, McComb RD, Subbiah J,
Casale GP. (2013). Morphometric analysis of gastrocnemius muscle biopsies from patients
with peripheral arterial disease: objective grading of muscle degeneration. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 305(3), R291-R9; PMCID: PMC3742999
20. Cluff K, Konda Naganathan G, Subbiah J, Samal A, Calkins CR. (2013). Optical scattering with
hyperspectral imaging to classify longissimus dorsi muscle based on beef tenderness
using multivariate modeling. Meat Science, 95(1), 42-50.
21. Cluff K, Konda Naganathan G, Subbiah J, Lu R, Calkins CR, Samal A. (2008). Optical scattering
in beef steak to predict tenderness using hyperspectral imaging in the VIS-NIR region. Sens & Instrumen Food Qual, 2(3), 189-96.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:
- Villafana-Ibarra B, Bhandari S, Becker R, Cluff K. (2018). Spiral Resonators for Objective
Screening of Cutaneous Melanoma. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Griffith JL, Eckerman BD, Loflin B, Becker R, Martin BA, Cluff K. (2018). Non-Invasive
Detection of Intracranial Pressure Changes by a Novel Radio Frequency Resonant Skin
Patch Sensor. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Becker RA, Loflin B, Bhandari S, Villafana-Ibarra B, Griffith J, Cluff K. (2018).
Passive RF resonator for pulsatile blood flow monitoring. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Asaduzzaman A, Mitra P, Chidella K, Saeed K, Cluff K, Mridha M. (2017). A novel technique
to analyze mammography images for breast cancer treatment. Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2017 4th International Conference on; Dhaka, Bangladesh IEEE.
- Griffith JL, Andre' WA, Moore-Jansen P, Cluff K. (2016). Non-invasive biomedical patch
sensor to measure intracranial pressure. Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2016 IEEE 13th International
Conference on: IEEE.
- Aldrich J, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Patterson J, Mahapatro A, Cluff K. (2016). Wireless
electromagnetic resonant bone health skin patch for the detection of bone density
change and Osteoporosis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Aug. 16-20; Orlando, FL.
- Doffing J, Aravinthan V, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2014). Energy storage in a motor: Combined
high temperature superconductor and flywheel energy storage. Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2014 International Conference
on: IEEE.
- Meyer GE, Cluff K, Subbiah J. (2012). Electronic student homework management systems
for Continuous Improvement and Program Assessment. 119th American Society For Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition; June 10th 2012; San Antonio, TX.
Scientific Presentations/Abstracts:
- Villafana-Ibarra B, Bhandari S, Becker R, Cluff K. (2018). Spiral Resonators for Objective
Screening of Cutaneous Melanoma. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Villafana B, Bhandari S, Cluff K. (2018). Developing Non-Invasive Sensors For Opportune
Detection Of Cutaneous Melanoma. Undergraduate Research Creativity Forum; April 6; Wichita, KS. (2nd Place Research Poster)
- Griffith JL, Eckerman BD, Loflin B, Becker R, Martin BA, Cluff K. (2018). Non-Invasive
Detection of Intracranial Pressure Changes by a Novel Radio Frequency Resonant Skin
Patch Sensor. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Bhandari S, Villafana B, Cluff K. (2018). Investigating melanocyte Dielectric Permittivity
of Melanoma on Skin using a RF Resonator. K-INBRE Symposium January 12; Overland Park, KS.
- Bhandari S, Villafana B, Cluff K. (2018). Investigating melanocyte dielectric permittivity
of melanoma on skin using a RF resonator. Undergraduate Research Creativity Forum; April 6; Wichita, KS.
- Becker RA, Loflin B, Bhandari S, Villafana-Ibarra B, Griffith J, Cluff K. (2018).
Passive RF resonator for pulsatile blood flow monitoring. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; July 17-21; Honolulu, HI.
- Alruwaili F, Cluff K, Griffith J, Becker R. (2018). Heart-Ventricular Blood Volume
Assessment Using Non-Invasive Skin Patch Sensor. Kansas Undergraduate research day at the Capital; Feb. 14, 2018; Topeka, KS.
- Whitford J, Cluff K. (2017). Towards cuffless measurement of blood pressure. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF); April 4th; Wichita, KS.
- Griffith J, Moore-Jansen P, Aldrich J, Cluff K. (2017). Use of Computer Vision and
Machine Learning Techniques to Determine Age-at-Death of Human Crania. Lambda Alpha Anthropological Honor Society Symposium; April 15th; Wichita, KS. (2nd Place Research Presentation).
- Griffith J, Eckerman B, Becker R, Richardson A, Cluff K. (2017). Non-invasive Method
for Monitoring Microgravity Induced Bio-fluid shifts in Lower Limbs American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Oct. 25-28; Seattle, WA.
- Griffith J, Eckerman B, Aldrich J, Becker R, Amick R, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2017).
Detection Of Intracranial Fluid Volume Shifts by a Non-invasive Electromagnetic Skin
Patch Sensor. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES); October 11-14; Phoenix, AZ.
- Eckerman B, Griffith J, Becker R, Cluff K. (2017). Non-invasive Skin Patch Sensor
to Detect Lower-Leg Fluid Volume Shift after Simulated Microgravity. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Conference; Oct. 11-14; Phoenix, AZ.
- Eckerman B, Griffith J, Aldrich J, Becker R, Richardson A, Cluff K. (2017). Non-invasive
Method for Intracranial Fluid Volume Shift Detection in a Microgravity Environment. American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR); Oct. 25-28; Seattle, WA. (Travel Award received)
- Eckerman B, Griffith J, Aldrich J, Becker R, Cluff K. (2017). Electromagnetic resonant
sensor patch for detection of fluid volume shifts within intracranial space. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF); April 4th; Wichita, KS. (2nd Place Research Poster).
- Burns R, Villafana B, Cluff K. (2017). Investigating Passive RF-Sensor Capability
for the Direct Measurement of Space Suit Fit. American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Oct. 25-28; Seattle, WA.
- Burns R, Aldrich J, Griffith J, Villafana B, Cluff K. (2017). The Design and Application
of an Anthropometric Biosensor to Aid in Detecting Spacesuit Fit and Body Position. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES); Oct. 11-14; Phoenix, AZ.
- Aruwaili F, Griffith J, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2017). Quantification of Fluid Changes
through Cardiac Muscle for the Development of a Biomedical, Electromagnetic Patch
Sensor. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES); October 11-14; Phoenix, AZ.
- Amick R, Chen Z, Cluff K, Asmatulu R. (2017). Development Of Dielectric Elastomer
Artificial Muscle For Use As A Human Assistive Device. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings, 11(4), 33.
- Alruwaili F, Griffith J, Cluff K, Patterson J. (2017). Towards the Development of
a Skin Patch Sensor to Monitor Cardiac Function - An investigation into the electromagnetic
properties of fluid in the left ventricle of a Bovine heart. University of Kansas School of Medicine 鈥25th Annual Research Forum; April 20th; Wichita, KS. (1st Place Research Poster).
- Alruwaili F, Griffith J, Cluff K, Patterson J. (2017). Biological Model and Quantification
of Fluid Changes using an Electromagnetic Patch Sensor. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF); April 4th; Wichita, KS. (1st Place Research Poster).
- Aldrich J, Griffith J, Moore-Jansen P, Cluff K. (2017). Quantitative Method to Estimate
Age-at-Death of Human Crania Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Conference; Oct. 11-14; Phoenix, AZ.
- Aldrich J, Cluff K. (2017). Electromagnetic Resonant Sensor for Bone Health Diagnostics. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF); April, 4th; Wichita, KS. (1st Place Research Presentation).
- Wakim A, Griffith J, Cluff K. (2016). The Development of an Intracranial Pressure
Sensing Technique to Eliminate Shortcomings of Current Method. University of Kansas School of Medicine-24th Annual Research Forum; April 21st; Wichita, KS.
- Rogers J, Jayakumar B, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Quantification of Arterial Electromagnetic
Properties for Peripheral Artery Disease Screening. Undergraduate Research and Creativity Forum - URCAF; April 5th; Wichita, KS (1st Place Research Poster).
- Rogers J, Jayakumar B, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Electromagnetic Properties of
Blood-flow for Screening of Peripheral Artery Disease. American Heart Association - Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology - Peripheral
Vascular Disease; May 5-7; Nashville, TN.
- Rogers J, Becker R, Jayakumar B, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Biological Model Study
using Electromagnetic Screening Techniques for Peripheral Artery Disease University of Kansas School of Medicine-24th Annual Research Forum; April 21st; Wichita, KS (1st Place Research Poster).
- Rogers J, Becker R, Jayakumar B, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Electro-magnetic plethysmography
smart-skin for point-of-care screening of claudication. Biomedical Engineering Society - Frontiers in Medical Devices; May 23-25; Washington, DC (6th Place Research Poster).
- Richardson A, Cluff K. (2016). A Computational Model of Electroactive Polymer Assisted
Left Ventricular Contraction. Undergraduate Research and Creativity Forum - URCAF; April 5th; Wichita, KS (1st Place Research Presentation).
- Griffith JL, Wakim AA, Peer Moore-Jansen, Cluff K. (2016). Non-invasive Biomedical
Patch Sensor to Measure Intracranial Pressure. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor
Networks; June 14-17; San Francisco, CA.
- Becker R, Cluff K. (2016). Identification of Intracellular to Extracellular Chemical
Variations of Inhibitory Cell Function in Muscle Cell Pathology. Undergraduate Research and Creativity Forum - URCAF; April 5th; Wichita, KS.
- Aldrich JL, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Mahapatro A, Patterson J, Cluff K. (2016). Electromagnetic
Resonant Bone Health Sensor Patch for Detection of Osteoporosis. Undergraduate Research and Creativity Forum - URCAF; April 5th; Wichita, KS.
- Aldrich J, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Patterson J, Mahapatro M, Cluff K. (2016). Electromagnetic
Resonant Bone Health Sensor Skin Patch for the Detection of Osteoporosis and Bone
Density Changes. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Conference; Oct. 5-8; Minneapolis, MN.
- Aldrich J, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Patterson J, Mahapatro A, Cluff K. (2016). Wireless
electromagnetic resonant bone health skin patch for the detection of bone density
change and Osteoporosis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Aug. 16-20; Orlando, FL.
- Jayakumar G, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2015). Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling
of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Growth Rate. Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects (GRASP) April, 24th; Wichita, KS.
- Jayakumar B, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2015). Assessment of Arterial Function Recovery
after Surgical Revascularization in PAD Patients with Micro-Vascular Insufficiency
using Computational Model Analysis. Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects (GRASP) April, 24th; Wichita, KS.
- Howard K, Mehraein H, Becker R, Cluff K. (2015). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectral
Biomarkers of Muscle Degeneration. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum; April, 7th; Wichita, KS. (2nd Place Research Poster).
- Howard K, Becker R, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2015). Spectral analysis of ischemic muscle
from peripheral artery disease. University of Kansas School of Medicine-23rd Annual Research Forum; April, 29th; Wichita, KS.
- Howard K, Carson L, Becker R, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2015). Optical probing of muscle
damage in peripheral artery disease hind limb ischemia murine model. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Conference; Oct. 7-10; Tampa, FL.
- Hootan Mehraein, Cluff K. (2015). Analysis of Muscle Cell Pathology with Spectral
Biomarkers. NIH-KINBRE Research Symposium; Jan. 16th; Topeka, KS.
- Duraisamy N, Geddam DAR, Vu LQ, Koutakis P, Casale GP, Pipinos II, Cluff K. (2015).
Analysis of Elemental Concentrations in Ischemic Muscle of Patients with Peripheral
Artery Disease, Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) March 5-7; St. Louis, MO.
- Duraisamy N, Geddam D, Vu L, Cluff K. (2015). Characterization of Ischemic Muscle
of Peripheral Artery Disease Patients by Elemental Concentration Using Energy Dispersive
X-ray Spectroscopy. Capital Graduate Research Summit (CGRS); Feb. 12th; Topeka, KS.
- Carson L, Howard K, Becker R, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2015). Muscle Damage in Hind Limb
Ischemia Murine Model of Peripheral Artery Disease. Undergraduate Research Creativity Forum; April 7; Wichita, KS (1st Place Research Poster).
- Becker R, Duraisamy N, Cluff K. (2015). Analysis of Elemental Concentrations in Ischemic
Muscle of Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. University of Kansas School of Medicine-23rd Annual Research Forum; April, 29th; Wichita, KS.
- Becker R, Cluff K. (2015). Optimization of nanoparticle-embedded scaffolds to improve
neural cell remyelination through Raman micro-spectroscopy. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum; April, 7th; Wichita, KS.
- Saeednia L, Mehraein H, Abedin F, Cluff K, Asmatulu R. (2014). Simulation and Experimental
Analysis of Drug Release Rates from Magnetic Nanocomposite Spheres. Comsol Conference; Oct. 8-10; Boston, MA.
- Doffing J, Aravinthan V, Mehraein H, Cluff K. (2014). Energy storage in a motor: Combined
high temperature superconductor and flywheel energy storage. Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2014 International Conference
on: IEEE.
- Cuff K, Saeednia L, Mehraein H, Asmatulu R. (2014). Modeling of hydrogel-based controlled
drug delivery system for breast cancer treatment. Comsol Conference; Oct. 8-10; Boston, MA.
- Cluff K, Mehraein H, Jayakumar G. (2014). Biofluid-structure interaction in abdominal
aortic aneurysm for predicting timeline to rupture: The effect of hypertension and
aorta wall material properties. Comsol Conference; Oct. 8-10; Boston, MA.
- Cluff K, Mehraein H, Jayakumar B. (2014). Computational model to analyze the failure
of arterial function recovery after surgical revascularization due to micro-vascular
dysfunction. Comsol Conference; Oct. 8-10; Boston, MA.
- Cluff K, Miserlis D, Koutakis P, Pipinos II, Samal A, Casale G, Subbiah J. (2013).
Carbonylated Proteins and Myofiber Morphometrics Characterize Muscle Degeneration
in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease. Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society (PVSS); April 4-6; Tampa, FL.
- Cluff K, D M, Koutakis P, Samal A, Pipinos I, Subbiah J, Casale G. (2012). Quantitative
Analysis of Damage to Ischemic Muscle: A Collaboration of Engineers, Imaging Specialists,
and Surgeons. University of Nebraska Medical Center 鈥 Surgery Grand Rounds; Oct. 17; Omaha, NE.
- Kelly A, Cluff K, He X, Subbiah J, Lu Y, Pipinos I, Casale G. (2011). Label-free Raman
scattering analysis differentiates peripheral arterial disease and control muscle. Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) Annual Conference; March 1-3; Indianapolis, IN.
- Cluff K, Schlegel V, Foster J, Subbiah J. (2011). Spectroscopy for Cancer Diagnosis. University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) Breast Conference; June 18; Omaha, NE.
- Cluff K, Naganathan GK, Miserlis D, Subbiah J, Samal A, Pipinos I, Casale G. (2011).
Morphometric analysis of gastrocnemius biopsies from patients with peripheral arterial
disease provides objective criteria for diagnosis. Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) Annual Conference; March 3-4; Atlanta, GA.
- Miserlis D, Pipinos I, Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Subbiah J, Weiss D, Swanson S,
Zhu Z, Samal A, Casale G. (2010). Morphometric analysis of calf muscle biopsies from
patients with peripheral arterial disease provides objective criteria for disease
diagnosis and progression. Midwestern Vascular 34th Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society; Sept. 9-11; Indianapolis, IN. .
- Konda Naganathan G, Cluff K, Subbiah J, Samal A, Lorenzen C, Calkins C. (2010). An
on-line hyperspectral imaging system for tenderness-based grading of beef. ASABE Mid-Central Conference; St. Joseph, MO.
- Cluff K, Naganathan GK, Subbiah J, Calkins C, Samal A. (2010). Pork tenderness evaluation
using optical scattering with near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging. Annual ASABE International Meeting; June 20-23; Pittsburgh, PA.
- Cluff K, Naganathan GK, Miserlis D, Subbiah J, Samal A, Casale G, Pipinos I. (2010).
Disease classification by morphometric analysis of individual myofibers in muscle
biopsies of patients with peripheral arterial disease. ASABE Mid-Central Conference; St. Joseph, MO.
- Cluff K, Naganathan GK, Subbiah J, Calkins C, Samal A. (2008). Beef tenderness evaluation
using optical scattering with near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging. Annual ASABE International Meeting; Providence, RH.
Book Chapter:
- G.K. Naganathan, K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, Subbiah J. Quality Evaluation of
Beef and Pork. In: B. Park, Lu R, editors. Hyperspectral Imaging Technology in Food
and Agriculture. Verlag, New York: Springer; 2015.
- Cluff, K., (2009). Quantifying Optical Scattering with Hyperspectral Imaging to Predict
Beef Tenderness. Master鈥檚 Thesis at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Cluff, K., (2012). Morphometric, biochemical, and Raman spectral analyses of muscle
damage in patients with peripheral arterial disease: Providing objective criteria
for diagnosis and treatment monitoring. University of Nebraska 鈥 Lincoln, PhD dissertation ()
Invited Guest Speaker:
- Cluff K., Becker R., Bhandari S. (2018). Science Podcast interview with Shane Mauss. Here
We Are Podcast 鈥 Episode 160. Wichita, KS. April 13th, 2018.
- Cluff K. (2017). Space Biomedical Research and a Novel Wearable Smart Skin Sensor
to Monitor Crew Health. Wichita Science Caf茅. Wichita, KS. December 11th, 2017.
- Cluff K. (2017). Innovations in wearable sensors and medical diagnostics to monitor
physiological parameters. Biology Seminar Series. Wichita, KS. January 30th, 2017.
- Cluff K. (2016). Innovations in cardiovascular engineering and medical diagnostics: International
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Wichita, KS. June 23rd, 2016.
- Cluff K, Patterson J, (2016). Innovations in medical diagnostics: Novel Smart Skin
Biomedical Sensor. Health Care Innovation Summit, Wichita, KS. June 1st, 2016. Link:
- Cluff K. (2016). Novel Biomedical Sensor Design. Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing
Seminar Series, Wichita, KS. February 26th, 2016
- Cluff K, Patterson J, Mahapatro A, (2016). Biomedical Sensor for measuring mission
critical crew health parameters. NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, February
17th, 2016
- Cluff K, Patterson J, Mahapatro A, (2015). Biomedical Applications of SansEC. NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, December 16th, 2015.
- Cluff K, Riley, J (2015). Biomedical Engineering and North High Partnership. Project
Lead the Way Conference, Wichita, KS, December 11th, 2015.
- Cluff K, et al., (2012). Quantitative Analysis of Damage to Ischemic Muscle, UNMC
鈥 Surgery Grand Rounds, Omaha, NE, Oct. 17th, 2012.
- Cluff, K., et al., (2010). Morphometric analysis of gastrocnemius biopsies from patients
with peripheral arterial disease provides objective criteria for diagnosis. UNMC, September
29th 2010, Omaha, NE.
News and Press releases
My research, scholarly activities, and outreach efforts have been featured in multiple
press releases, including newspaper stories, audio sound bites, and video interviews.
- Podcast Interview. (Audio Interview). Science Podcast interview with Shane Mauss. Here We Are Podcast 鈥 Episode 160. Wichita, KS. April 13th, 2018. Link:
- NPR public radio. (Audio Interview). 黑洞社区 Researchers Awarded $1M NASA Grant For Biomedical Sensor. (2016). Link:
- Newswise (Video Interview). Students and Faculty Work Together to Create Smart Skin Biomedical Sensor. (2016).
- The Wichita Eagle. (News Paper). 黑洞社区 researchers receive $1 million NASA grant. October 4, 2016 12:30 PM. Link:
- Wichita Business Journal. (News Paper). NASA grant creates new opportunities at 黑洞社区. Oct 5, 2016, 2:20pm CDT. Link:
- Wichita Business Journal. (News Paper). Cover story: Transforming health care. Jun 24, 2016, 5:00am CDT. Link:
- Wichita State News. Professor uses personal experience to help shape the next generation.
Thursday, November 19, 2015. Link: Here to Read
- Wichita State News. Students and faculty work together to create smart skin biomedical
sensor. Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Link: Here to Read
Read more about the BioME Lab and Biomedical Engineering at 黑洞社区
in the following links.