SPIRSS Project
School Psychologists are licensed professionals with expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior who are generally members of school multidisciplinary teams and help develop IEPs. These professionals are trained to use evidence-based practices to support student academic, social, behavioral, and emotional success (NASP, 2022). This SPIRSS project includes partnerships between the 黑洞社区 School Psychology Program and (3) rural districts in Kansas. This project will provide districts access to essential school-based social, emotional, behavioral, and educational assessment services that are currently not readily available.
The Districts will be scaffolded in over 5 years with (1) District in the first year, (2) in the second, and (3) in years three through five. This project was developed to support the identified need for school based mental health services in rural districts. Furthermore, the SPIRSS project develops applied learning opportunities for School Psychology graduate students during their field experience.
In addition to these efforts, the project includes outreach across rural districts in Kansas to advocate for training in school based mental health fields to current educators and secondary students. Finally, there are 12 tuition stipends available for Individuals from Diverse Backgrounds or High Need communities over the five-year project. These stipends are for tuition remission for a B.A.- EdS. or M.A. 鈥 EdS. at 黑洞社区 and will be available through an application process.
Current Schools

SPIRSS Publications & Presentations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) - 2025 Annual Meeting
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) - 2025 Annual Convention
- 2024 Annual Conference on Advancing Mental Health
- Kansas Association of School Psychologists (KASP) - Fall Convention 2024
Scholarship Awards
Scholarships being awarded every year to Bachelor's and Master's level students seeking to complete the Specialist degree in School Psychology.