Resource Guide
A quick guide to basic services available in Sedgwick County, Kansas
Information is provided as a community service and does not necessarily constitute endorsement or approval by United Way of the Plains.
This is not a complete list of resources and information is updated regularly; please
call us at 2-1-1 or check online for the most current
Location | Phone Number |
Connecting Point | (316) 267 - 3535 |
Federal Citizen Information Center | (800) 688 - 9889 |
Independent Living Resource Center | (316) 942 - 6300 |
Kansas Legal Services | (316) 265 - 9681 |
Long Term Care Ombudsman (nursing homes) | (316) 347 - 1429 |
Parenting or Anger Management Resources | 2-1-1 |
Passageways (Veterans) | (316) 721 - 1316 |
Aging and Disability Resource Center | (855) 200 - 2372 |
Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Org. | (316) 660 - 7630 |
黑洞社区 Community Engagement Institute (Support Groups) | (316) 978 - 3843 |
Senior Info-Line | (316) 267 - 0122 |
Dept for Children and Families (DCF) | (316) 337 - 7000 |
To Report Abuse (DCF) | (800) 922 - 5330 |
Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center | (316) 263 - 3002 |
Wichita Transit Bus Schedule | (316) 265 - 7221 |
Homeless Shelters/Transitional Housings | Phone Number |
St. Anthony Family Shelter, Catholic Charities, Inc. | (316) 264 - 7233 |
Homeless Resource Center (Day Shelter) | (316) 265 - 9371 |
Harbor House (Domestic Violence) | (316) 263 - 6000 |
Inter-Faith Inn, Inter-Faith Ministries | (316) 264 - 8051 |
Salvation Army, Homeless Services (Women & Families) | (316) 263 - 2196 |
Union Rescue Mission (Men Only) | (316) 687 - 4673 |
Wichita Family Crisis Center (Domestic Violence) | (316) 267 - 7233 |
Location | Phone Number |
Center of Hope |
(316) 267 - 0222 |
Location | Phone Number |
His Helping Hands |
(316) 838 - 8528 |
Location | Phone Number |
Bread of Life |
(316) 689 - 6866 |
Dellrose United Methodist Church |
(316) 684 - 5182 |
Table of Hope Community Church |
(316) 267 - 1852 |
His Helping Hands |
(316) 838 - 8528 |
Immanuel Baptist Church |
(316) 262 - 1452 |
Jehovah Jireh |
(316) 312 - 9903 |
Klothes Kloset |
(316) 265 - 9371 |
Food Pantries | Phone Number |
Bread of Life |
(316) 689 - 6866 |
Giving Center |
(316) 554 - 8924 |
Our Daily Bread 鈥 CC |
(316) 264 - 8344 |
Chrisholm Trail Church of Christ |
(316) 683 - 1313 |
Community Food Ministry |
(316) 267 - 4201 |
Table of Hope Community Church |
(316) 267 - 1852 |
Helping Hands |
(316) 262 - 3425 |
His Helping Hands |
(316) 838 - 8528 |
Jehovah Jireh |
(316) 312 - 9903 |
New Beginnings |
(316) 267 - 6504 |
Salvation Army |
(316) 263 - 2769 |
Simple House |
(316) 303 - 9994 |
Union Rescue Mission |
(316) 687 - 4673 |
Westside Good Neighbor Center |
(316) 942 - 7349 |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
5 | 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 | 1, 5, 6, 7 | 1, 5, 7 | 1, 3, 5, 7 | 1, 5, 7 | 5, 8, 4 |
Location | Info. | Phone Number |
1. Homeless Resource |
Lunch tickets given out 11am - 11:15am for homeless. |
(316) 265 - 9371 |
2. College Crest Church of Christ |
Lunch served 11am - 1pm |
(316) 686 - 1981 |
3. Grant Chapel |
Lunch served 12pm - 1pm |
(316) 685 - 2682 |
4. First Presbyterian Church |
Breakfast served from 8am - 9:30am |
(316) 263 - 0248 |
5. Lord鈥檚 Diner |
Dinner served 5:30pm - 7:30pm |
(316) 266 - 4966 |
6. Tabernacle Bible Church |
Lunch served 11:30am - 12:45pm |
(316) 681 - 3954 |
7. Breakthrough |
Breakfast served 8:15am - 9pm |
(316) 269 - 4160 |
8. St. Paul Lutheran Church |
Breakfast served 8am - 9:30am |
(316) 263 - 0810 |
9. Chisholm Church of Christ |
Hand out dinner 5pm |
(316) 683 - 1313 |
Location | Phone Number |
Wichita SG County Community Action Partnership | (316) 462 - 3775 |
Episcopal Social Services (referral by DCF only) | (316) 269 - 4160 |
Job Corps Outreach Center | (316) 771 - 6778 |
KANSEL | (316) 263 - 9620 |
Senior Employment (Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita) | (316) 267 - 1771 |
Wichita Workforce Center | (316) 771 - 6800 |
Location | Phone Number |
0-5 Early Childhood Programs | (316) 682 - 1853 |
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Sedgwick County, Inc | (316) 263 - 3300 |
Boys & Girls Club of South Central Kansas, Inc. | (316) 687 - 5437 |
Boy Scouts of America (Quivira Council) | (316) 264 - 3386 |
CASA of Sedgwick County | (316) 866 - 2920 |
Child Advocacy Center | (316) 660 - 9494 |
Children鈥檚 Services 鈥 MHA | (316) 685 - 1821 |
Pando Initiative | (316) 973 - 5110 |
Connecting Point | (316) 267 - 3535 |
Girl Scouts of the Kansas Heartland | (316) 684 - 6531 |
Girls & Boys Town National Hotline | (800) 448 - 3000 |
4H Youth Program | (316) 660 - 0100 |
Healthy Babies 鈥 Sedgwick County Health Dept. | (316) 660 - 7433 |
Heartspring | (316) 634 - 8700 |
Kansas Children's Service League | (316) 942 - 4261 |
Kansas Society for Children with Challenges | (316) 262 - 4676 |
Parent Helpline | (800) 332 - 6378 |
Parents as Teachers | (316) 973 - 5160 |
Rainbows United, Inc. | (316) 267 - 5437 |
Saint Francis Ministries | (316) 831 - 0330 |
Dept for Children & Families (Abuse) | (800) 922 - 5330 |
Volunteer Center, United Way of the Plains | (316) 267 - 0202 |
Wichita Children's Home | (316) 684 - 6581 |
WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) Program | (316) 660 - 7444 |
Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (WASAC) | (316) 263 - 3002 |
YMCA | (316) 264 - 1610 |
Location | Phone Number |
A Better Choice | (316) 686 - 5757 |
Birthline, Inc. | (316) 265 - 0134 |
Community Services - UMOD | (316) 267 - 4201 |
SAFE KIDS (car seats) | (316) 946 - 5045 |
Union Rescue Mission (diapers & formula) | (316) 687 - 5673 |
Location | Phone Number |
Center City (COMCARE Homeless Program) | (316) 660 - 7800 |
Center on Family Living, Friends University | (316) 295 - 5638 |
COMCARE of Sedgwick County | (316) 660 - 7540 |
Cana Counseling Services | (316) 263 - 6941 |
CRISIS INTERVENTION (Suicide Hotline) | (316) 660 - 7500 |
Breakthrough | (316) 269 - 2322 |
Episcopal Social Services | (316) 269 - 4160 |
Family & Children Community Services - COMCARE | (316) 660 - 9600 |
HealthCore Clinic | (316) 691 - 0249 |
Higher Ground | (316) 262 - 2060 |
HopeNet, Inc. | (316) 684 - 4673 |
Mental Health Association of South Central KS | (316) 685 - 1821 |
Psychology Clinic, 黑洞社区 | (316) 978 - 3212 |
KCSL Outpatient Mental Health - East | (316) 686 - 6671 |
Word of Life Counseling Center | (316) 619 - 5589 |
Location | Phone Number |
E.C. Tyree Health Clinic | (316) 681 - 2545 |
Embrace (STD testing) | (316) 945 - 9400 |
GraceMed Health Care Clinics (all locations) | (316) 866 - 2000 |
Guadalupe Clinic (St. Francis) | (316) 264 - 8974 |
Guadalupe Clinic-(Hillside) | (316) 201 - 1986 |
Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice | (316) 265 - 9441 |
Sedgwick County Division of Health | (316) 660 - 7300 |
KanCare Clearinghouse | (800) 792 - 4884 |
KanCare Ombudsman | (855) 643 - 8180 |
HealthCore Clinic | (316) 691 - 0249 |
Hunter Health | (316) 262 - 2415 |
KU Wichita Internal Medicine - Midtown | (316) 293 - 1840 |
KU Wichita Pediatrics | (316) 962 - 3100 |
Mayflower Clinic (uninsured only) | (316) 588 - 3991 |
Medical Service Bureau, Inc. | (316) 683 - 7559 |
MERN (medical equipment, supplies, etc.) | (316) 942 - 6300 |
Project Access | (316) 688 - 0600 |
MyCounty Cares 鈥 The One Card | (316) 660 - 7673 |
Via Christi - Children鈥檚 Miracle Network | (316) 946 - 5020 |
Location | Phone Number |
E.C. Tyree Health & Dental Clinic | (316) 681 - 2545 |
GraceMed Dental Clinic | (316) 866 - 2000 |
HealthCore Clinic | (316) 697 - 0249 |
Hunter Health Dental Clinic | (316) 269 - 0677 |
MyCounty Cares 鈥 The One Card | (316) 660 - 7673 |
Location | Phone Number |
Addictions Treatment @ MHA | (316) 652 - 2590 |
Al-Anon/Alateen | (316) 266 - 8499 |
Alcoholic鈥檚 Anonymous (AA) | (316) 684 - 3661 |
COMCARE Addiction Treatment Services | (316) 660 - 7550 |
District Attorney, Sedgwick County (Involuntary Commitment) |
(316) 383 - 7281 |
HealthCore Clinic | (316) 691 - 0249 |
Higher Ground | (316) 262 - 2060 |
Miracles, Inc. | (316) 303 - 9520 |
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) | (316) 524 - 7775 |
Options Adult Services/Detox Center (Men) | (316) 265 - 6011 |
Pathways, Mental Health Association | (316) 686 - 1821 |
Preferred Family Healthcare | (316) 943 - 2051 |
Restoration/Knox Center, Inc. | (316) 265 - 8511 |
Substance Abuse Center of Kansas | (316) 267 - 3825 |
Wichita Fellowship Club | (316) 265 - 9348 |
Women鈥檚 Recovery Center | (316) 262 - 0505 |
Location | Phone Number |
Consumer Credit Counseling | (316) 265 - 2000 |
Unemployment Benefits | (316) 383 - 9947 |
Location | Phone Number |
Affordable Housing 鈥 H.O.P.E., Inc | (316) 618 - 8652 |
City of Wichita Housing Services Dept. 鈥 Section 8 | (316) 462 - 3700 |
Habitat for Humanity, Inc. | (316) 269 - 0755 |
Housing Services, Inter-Faith Ministries | (316) 201 - 4107 |
KSHOUSINGSEARCH.ORG | (877) 428 - 8844 |
Mennonite Housing Rehabilitation Services Inc. | (316) 942 - 4848 |
Residential Services 鈥 MHA | (316) 685 - 1821 |
Weatherization Assistance Program | (316) 262 - 7035 |