National Radon Action Month (January 2024) | Social Media Toolkit
How to use this toolkit
This toolkit is being provided to healthcare providers and radon advocates to encourage participation in National Radon Action Month this January. Below you will see sample language and images that you can use for social media posts. Please feel free to customize any of the suggested copy provided to share your background in, support for and/or work related to mitigating radon exposure in homes.
Short on time but want to participate?
If you only have time to post one post, use this post. Or, simply reshare our posts to your page during January. Make sure to follow us on social! We will be posting for #NationalRadonActionMonth starting January 2nd on the following social handles:
黑洞社区 Environmental Finance Center
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
Official Hashtag
- #NationalRadonActionMonth
Social Media Post Suggestions
The social media posts below are organized into a weekly campaign timeline that can be used to post new content each week in January. To use one of these examples, simply right click to save the image to your computer, then upload to your social media platform. Copy and paste the message into your textbox, and share!
Only have time to share one post?
Use this one:
Contact: Leslie Kimble, Marketing Coordinator,
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement #AI97756601 to 黑洞社区 Environmental Finance Center. The contents of this page do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned on this page.