ࡱ> 463 bjbj .&@||1)-IIIIIIuM 01,w4ww$"I,41w| : Concurrent Enrollment Course Assessment Plan Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures October 15, 2009 Spanish 210 Intermediate Spanish. This is an introductory course in the ڶ General Education Program. Course description: General Education introductory course. Continues the four fundamental skills in language learning: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes conversation and cultural readings. Prerequisite: SPAN 112, two units of high school Spanish, or departmental consent. Course objectives: See attached course objectives for Spanish 210 as approved by the Spanish division. How will the course objectives be measured? The concurrent enrollment SPAN 210 course must be essentially the same as the regular course on the ڶ campusi.e., must use the same course materials (text, handbook, common syllabus, requirements, and final exam) as the SPAN 210 course on the ڶ campus. Each enrolled student must have access to a personal copy of these materials for individual use. What guides expectation for satisfactory performance? All sections of Spanish 210 have a common final exam, testing all four skills. The concurrent class takes the same final exam, graded using the same rubrics. MCLL typically collects final exams from the concurrent enrollment teacher; these exams are kept in MCLL for 5 years. Regarding the Spanish 210 section taught at Goddard HS in SP 09, the instructor submitted grade averages (! written final & course grade per the document herewith). MCLL collects data from all sections, comparing the final exam results and grades in the concurrent enrollment class to the WSU-based sections. The decision point for students to meet expectations is 70% on the final exam. To insure the quality and consistency across all sections of the same course, MCLL offers the following faculty development for the concurrent enrollment teacher(s): Continuing education for high school teachers of concurrent enrollment courses. The Spanish teacher(s) will participate in the Spanish sections all-day fall workshop. This workshop typically includes: training on lesson planning, a discussion of department and Spanish section policies, discussion of the textbook and ancillary materials by a consultant, and training in the use of the online workshop (Quia), Self Service Banner, and Blackboard. If French courses are offered in the future, the plan will be revised to reflect the French sections usual training. MCLL will pay the registration fee for concurrent enrollment teacher(s) attending one of the following: the Kansas World Language Association conference or the Sunflower chapter meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. The chair of MCLL or his/her appointed representative will visit the high school concurrent enrollment class and meet with the teacher. Course Objectives for SPAN 210 Textbook: Qu Tal?, 6th ed., chapter 13chapter 18. All grammar concepts in these chapters should be covered. Course Objectives: The following objectives should guide the teaching and assessment of each chapter (including lesson plans, homework assignments, and testing). Listening 1.) Understand native speakers giving advice and expressing opinions / feelings in a predictable setting. 2.) Understand native speakers discuss plans (future) and possibilities (conditional) in a highly predictable setting. Reading 1.) Read and understand the main ideas from authentic news articles from a Spanish-speaking country. 2.) Read and understand short texts reflecting everyday topics and predictable discourse. 3.) Recognize opinions and points of view in authentic texts. Writing 1.) Produce 11-12 well-developed sentences on familiar topics and in predictable discourse contexts important to everyday life. 2.) Write a narrative describing future plans. 3.) Write a narrative giving opinions and offering advice. Oral Production 1.) Talk about and describe present studies, work, career plans and social life. 2.) Obtain information by asking questions. 3.) Express emotions, offer advice and persuade others in predictable contexts, i.e. environmental issues, work and school related issues, etc. 4.) Speak with proper pronunciation of vowels and the following consonants most of the time: rr, h, b/v, ch, j, hard and soft g and c, and ll. General understanding of word accent. Culture 1.) Diversity of the Hispanic world (geography, climate, cultures, etc.). 2.) Recognize the diversity of high culture (fine art, music, craft) in the Hispanic world. 3.) Social life and inter-personal relations in the Hispanic world. 4.) Attitudes toward work in the Hispanic world. 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